PUBLICATIONS (not including newspaper articles)
Galleries,Townsville City Council, The Percivals 2020, ISBN:978-0-949461-40-7
Townsville City Council (2019) UTOPIA TROPICAE: The Spirit of the North, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery Townsville Queensland, 4810 Australia
Townsville City Council (2018) The Percivals 2018, Gallery Services, Townsville City Council Townsville Qld 4810 Australia
Townsville City Council (2017) Strata: Faraway Nearby, Gallery Services, Townsville City Council, Townsville Qld 4810
James Cook University Library Special Collections. (2016) Celebrating Townsville: The City’s Visual History Drawn from the James Cook University Art Collection. JCU Library Special Collections, Townsville Qld, 4811
Townsville City Council. (2016) The Percivals 2016, Gallery Services, Townsville City Council,Townsville Qld 4810
Townsville City Council. (2014) The Percivals 2014, Gallery Services, Townsville City Council,Townsville Qld 4810
Biennale Internazionale Dell; Arte Contemporanea (2001) Art Studio – 50123 Firenze – Italia Baxte, D. (2001) 2 World Festival of Art on Paper. Bled – Ljubljana Kranj (2000) World Festival of Art on Paper
Logan Art Collection (1999) Logan City Council
Wilson, C. (1996) Ex LIbris: Bookplates from North Queensland. Lyre Bird Press, JCU Townsville.
Ditchburn, S. (1996) Plenty: Women Artists of Townsville, Townsville: Perc Tucker Regional Gallery
Ipswich City Council (1994) The Graphite Crucible: Current Drawing Practice in Queensland: Ipswich Regional Art Gallery.
Art Monthly (July 1994, No 71) Ipswich Regional Art Gallery makes its mark: but are democratic gestures enough. Susan Herbert Outlying and Far-reaching (1991) Umbrella Studio/Gallery 222. Magnetic Press Pty Ltd
International private collections: London, Kranji, Germany, Canada, USA, South America.
Australian private collections: Townsville, Brisbane, Melbourne, Mt Isa, Atherton, Cairns
Gallery Collections: Ipswich Gallery, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville, Rockhampton Regional Art Gallery
Cairns City Council collection
Suncorp collection Brisbane
Telstra Corp. Ltd. Collection